

Here are some of the projects I have worked on.

Blog with Admin Panel

Blog with Admin Panel

It's a blog website with admin panel. It has the functionality to add blog posts and also the user can bookmark the posts.

AI Image Generator

AI Image Generator

It generates the images using ai based on the user prompt. Also you can share the images in community and explore other images shared by other users

Real-Time Chat App

Real-Time Chat App

This is a Mern-Stack chat app that allow us to send and receive messages in real time. It has signin and signup and password encryption functionality

Crypto App

Crypto App

It shows the current price and other stats of the crypto currency. It also list the top 1000 crypto currencies and and 100 marketplaces available around the globe.

To Do App

To Do App

It allows user to manage your daily tasks. With Add, Delete, Filter functionality based on the status and it uses local storage to store the data.

Shopping Cart

Shopping Cart

Its a simple shopping cart app that allows you to add and remove items from the cart. It also shows the total amount of the items in the cart.

Tesla Clone

Tesla Clone

Its a clone of the tesla website. It's a responsive website and made with pure HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

TVJ Store

TVJ Store

It's a e-commerce website with a minimal hero section and product section.

AspartinX - Agency

AspartinX - Agency

An Agency website with a minimal design and smooth scroll effect and a contact form which send message directly to the email.



Minimal NextJS Portfolio website with 3d animations.



NextJS Portfolio website With a Dashboard look and feel.



Portfolio website to showcase the projects and skills. With smooth scroll effect and animations.



Its a landing page for a software company. It's a responsive website. With animations and smooth scroll effect.

Travel Website

Travel Website

It's a landing page for a travel website. Inspired by the dribble design. It's a responsive website.

Weather App

Weather App

It shows the current weather of the city. It also shows the temperature, humidity, wind speed and weather description of the city.

HealthCure 360

HealthCure 360

It's a wordpress blog website for health and fitness. It has the functionality to add blog posts and also the user can comment on the posts.

React Carousel

React Carousel

It's a react carousel component that can be used in any react project. It has the functionality to add images and text and also the auto slide feature.